Orange Elephants Creative Minds Rural intake form

Intake Form: Essential for Your Orange Elephants Creative Minds Experience

The Orange Elephants Creative Minds Service and Programs Intake Form is an essential part of our business. It allows us to gather important information about our clients, such as their needs, preferences, and goals, in order to provide them with the best possible service and program experience.

By filling out this form, clients can provide us with detailed information about their situation, which enables us to tailor our services and programs to meet their unique needs. This ensures that we can provide individualised support and assistance to each of our clients, helping them achieve their goals and overcome any challenges they may be facing.

Additionally, the intake form helps us ensure that we are a good fit for each client, as we want to ensure that we are able to provide the right services and programs to meet their specific needs. It also helps us identify any potential issues or concerns that may need to be addressed before we begin working with a client.

Overall, the Orange Elephants Creative Minds Service and Programs Intake Form is an important tool that allows us to gather crucial information, provide personalised support and assistance, and ensure that we are the right fit for each of our clients.

Once the intake form is completed, one of our experienced staff members will be in contact to discuss the client's needs and determine the best course of action to support them.

Participants Personal Details

Contact Information

NDIS Funding

Please provide us with the following NDIS information:

Parent/Guardian Details

Emergency Contact


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